Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's been a while.

2 months.

It's been two months since I've updated my blog. So many things have happened in two months. I barely update. I'm lazy and I feel like I update to the air. Anyway here's a few things that's happened within the past two months.

April 12th, 2009 - An Cafe.
I went to see An Cafe in concert in Anaheim, California and it was the best experience I have ever had. Literally, seeing An Cafe perform right before my eyes was more than anything I could ever ask for. I met Sam as well for the first time in the six years we have known each other and had a killer time at the concert. But before we were at The House of Blues we actually had to rush to get ourselves ready. We got to the hotel room a bit late then previously planned. My mom was basically Sammy's make-up artist since she barely puts any of it on. She looked so cute though~ I wish I had gotten a picture of it but we were in such a hurry there wasn't time. I know it's kind of lame to get all dressed up to see An Cafe and have the chance that they don't see you but hey if they do, you want to look your best~ So anyway, we ran to the HOB singing Cherry Saku Yuuki at the top of our lungs. Best moment ever. I wish we recorded it, lol. The walk was sooo long I thought we got lost at first but we managed to see the back of the building. Now the fun part, we got in line but it was the wrong one. We were in the "Jump the line"...line and didn't have the pass. So I asked a girl that was there how to get the pass and we had to eat something at the restaurant. I swear we ran our asses in there because we only had 45 minutes and it takes a long time for them to serve. We ordered salads but we weren't that hungry since we ate about an hour before getting ready. Sam's next to me saying "I'm eating this salad just for An Cafe!" Well, we got our pass and stood in line for a while talking to fans, signing this really big poster for An Cafe (I signed next to Kanon's head!) and took a few pictures. Seriously, I wish we took more. Okay, I'm just running on here. We got to get in 15 minutes earlier with the pass and once we got in there, we shot for the pit...then upstairs...then to the pit again. Either way we got to stand in the third row where Kanon stands and yes, I was extremely excited. Everyone there was extremely nice too o_O

Concert starts, and they come out one by one. Teruki (We screamed), Yuuki (We screamed again), Kanon (omg I almost urinated myself), Takuya (Sam busted my eardrum..), and Miku (We all screamed like bloody murder). The concert was so much fun and since it was my very first concert, it was the best! It felt really short though (I felt short too. Everyone was taller and I couldn't see T_T). The show started around 8pm and ended almost at 10pm. I was kind of sad that we had to leave...Oh and we ended up in the back by the end of the concert -_- So no chance of touching their hands. We got water spit on us by Miku which I thought was awesome and I blew a kiss at Kanon which I believe he saw or I want to believe that he did. We got wicked merchandise as well. I bought a shirt and a huge poster but I regret not buying the towel. Actually before I forget, we even waited about an hour and a half behind the HOB to see if An Cafe would come out. We were going to ambush them to get pictures and autographs. We weren't alone though, two girls sat with us and we just had a blast. The guard ended up kicking us out though...Asshole. It didn't stop us from standing at the corner of the street under the Disney Train though. I felt like a prostitute standing on that corner to be honest >_> Anyway, we waited and waited...and then we just got tired of waiting. It was late and we all had to get going...but I did love the moment where we teased Sam about Takuya XD By the end of the night I had to say my final goodbye to Sam because the next day we were going our separate way. I miss her...

I won't lie, travelling from Florida to California by plane and waiting so long at the airport just to see An Cafe perform was worth it.

Prom 2009 -
It was absolutely amazing~! The best night of my life even though I got in a fight with my mom about my dress. Simply put, I wanted a short dress but she wanted a long dress. She pissed me off pretty bad too. What got to me was that in the end she said "Get whatever you want. You're going to be the one wearing it." No shit. That's why I wanted to pick my own. I ended up getting a long hot pink dress. It was cute and everyone liked it but I was still furious about the whole ordeal. I even gave the dress to mom since I might never wear it again. All in all, it was really fun. We were in our group and Fallyn actually danced her ass off. In previous dance functions, she would never move from her spot because of her boyfriend. He was literally latched onto her at all times and didn't let her roam. I hate that guy.

...They had jumbo shrimp wrapped in bacon and a chocolate fountain. That's heavens food.

Finale of Nyappy - (Not literally the end of them, just their long tour.)
I forgot to mention An Cafe did their Finale of Nyappy concert in May. They were doing a live blog about it and I thought it was going to be a video showing us the concert in the comfort of our computers. I was highly disappointed when it was just pictures. Small ones at that. I wanted live footage. The good news, a new single is coming out in the fall and they are going to Budokan. I hear it's like the biggest thing for any band to play there and it's been An Cafe's dream to play Budokan after promising Bou they would make it there. Maybe they'll be nice enough to broadcast it live through youtube or something so we can all watch it because I sure don't have money to go all the way to Japan and I know other fans don't either.

Bayshore High School Graduate. May 30th, 2009 - Class of '09.
After four long years, I finally graduated high school~! I was actually a bit sad at the ceremony. I felt like I was growing up too fast and I was going through a state where I thought I wouldn't be able to love the things I do right now that I started so late on. For example, obsessing over An Cafe. Now that I'm no longer in high school I feel like I'm too old to be a fangirl or dress up in colorful clothes. I have responsibilities now. It's depressing to think about it...but I'm now heading for college. I won't start until fall or until I figure out what else is left to turn in so I'm fully registered. Such a process...Well other than that, I had a really cool graduation party. It was decorated so nicely it looked like a Sweet 15. My mom basically said that the party made up for the Sweet 15 I never had. I didn't really want one anyway and I was never really a big fan of parties, which leads to this...

My party was going really good but I didn't stay downstairs for very long when the music started playing and everyone was dancing. Drinking was involved as well and sometimes I don't like being in that ambience. Well, so far this couple that my mom invited got uber drunk and the wife started talking to a friend of my uncle's but she was using fowl language in front of little kids. And she was leaning in pretty close to the guy which her husband did not like (not to mention he was drunk as well). So long story short, they ended up arguing and the husband pulled his wife into the bathroom. His arm was around her neck with a glass mug in his hand ready to bash her face. Marisol (mom's friend) stepped in to stop the guy and the coward bit her hand! The guys there broke up the mess, the kids were downstairs watching and I had to get them back up there as they cried. Ugh, it was horrible. Apparently jealousy set in with the husband thinking that his wife kissed my uncle's friend. I went outside and told that guy straight up that there was no kissing but his words were "I'm not going to lie to you. I know what my eyes saw." ...You're drunk, obviously you're going to lie. I got frustrated that I ended up crying because those two ruined my party. The husband even took a bit at another one of my mom's friends, and that fight got vicious. Not only that, the husband called the cops. What a great thing for my uncle and his friend to see who flew down all the way from New York to see me graduate and for my Godmother to see after finally talking to her after 7 years. Well, I had to translate everything which is how I know all this happened. Again, I cried and my mom told me to stop in an atittude. I think that was the first time I ever glared at her with so much rage. Oh and she left to go party at a club right after all this finished, leaving me alone in the house crying out of rage. Diego was my only comfort that night since no one else provided it. But you know what they say...

"It ain't a party until the cops show up."

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