Monday, August 31, 2009

Mondays really are crappy.

Originally, I was suppose to blog about Metrocon but I never got around to it. I've just been lazy.

I posted this on Monday. It was actually a really good Monday despite the fact that it's the start of the week. I drove to school on my own~ Yes, I made it perfectly fine and found a lot of parking. I'm happy that I can drive on my own now. It's a powerful feeling.

But...the entire statement of Monday being the worst day of the week is true. I thought I was having a good day until I went on Livejournal and found a entry that I never thought I would see so early.

An Cafe Suspends Activities.
August 31, 2009 - To all the fans and everyone supporting An Cafe, We regretfully announce that after 6 years since the band was formed in 2003, An Cafe has decided to suspend their activities on January 4th, 2010 with a live show at Nippon Budokan.

Without your sincere support to the band till today, we would never have been able to be where we are now. We are so grateful to all your support.

In making this decision, there were numerous discussions made between the band members and the staff. In order for An Cafe to step up to the next level, we have come to the conclusion that it is important for each members to charge up by seeing themselves objectively. The decision is rather made with a forward-looking vision.

We apologize for conveying this important news to all of you this way, and hope to gain your kind understanding. After the Budokan show, each member will concentrate on their own activity to be prepared for the band to restart in the future.

Again, this is our deepest gratitude for everyone who has supported us.

Thank you so much.


An Cafe & Red Cafe staff

Obviously, I cried. A lot. Even though it's just a break/hiatus/pause, however you want to call it, it's shocking. It's sudden. Unexpected. My heart aches and I still can't grasp that this is true. I keep thinking "This is just a bad dream I'll wake up from." but the truth is, they are taking a break right after the Budokan live in 2010 and us Cafekko have no idea when they'll come back.

I fell in love with this band. I fell for their music, the lyrics, the PV's, and their bassist (as embarrassing as that sounds). They were my first concert. I went all the way to California to see them and I'll never forget the rush of energy I got when they came out to greet everyone. Everything about them is amazing because they are so different from the crappy music we have in America. So yes, it's hard to accept this news. I don't even know what emotion to feel but I can say all I feel is sadness. This band will still remain with me no matter what and I'll still crank up the volume I play their songs in my car. What hurts the most is not only was this sudden but Miku promised to come back. I was there when he said it at the concert, but now that's going to be on hiatus as well.

Kanon was right about 2009 being an unlucky year. He wrote a little blog about it at the beginning of 2009 and it's true. There have been numerous events, unfortunate events, that have happened. The outbreak of the Swine Flu, the King of Pop formally known as Michael Jackson passing away, Farrah Fawcett passing, Billy Mays...The list continues. This small town went through a rough time as well. A boy that graduated not even three months from Bayshore was killed cold-heartedly. Jrock music-wise: Mitsuru, the drummer of SuG, separated from the band. The sudden passing of Jasmine You from Versailles is still a fresh wound for fans. And now, An Cafe is on hiatus without any news of when they will come back. Only that they will return in the future. I believe the only good things that came out of 2009 for me was seeing An Cafe performing live in California, graduating from high school, Metrocon, and so far college.

As of now, I lack hope. I'm always so optimistic about everything but after all this it's gone. All I'm doing is thinking logically that they won't come back for a year or so. I'm not expecting to hear from them until 2011 to be honest. Maybe more. I've heard of so many bands take a break and they don't come back after 3 or 4 or even 10 years. I want to hope An Cafe is different and they return soon doesn't seem like it'll happen.

The final day of August just had to be a Monday. It turned into a bad day in the end. Tomorrow might be better? I don't know. I'll miss them tremendously though especially Kanon.

I just didn't think I would see the day that An Cafe would decide to take a break come by so suddenly.

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