Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bring it Fool

Happy April Fool's Day!

Yeah, the day that someone tries to play a little trick on you. Though some have epically failed like putting on the announcement that the math teacher had a doctor's appointment and is expecting triplets! ...That would've worked if she wasn't a month pregnant and it would've worked if she actually missed a day of school for the doctor's appointment, which she didn't have because we had her all last week and this week too. So that prank was a fail, hahaha. But I have to admit the Guidance Secretary got me today with a really simple trick. She said I had something on my arm and I flipped out thinking I had a bug on me. I had no bug -_- I think that the simplest tricks are the best ones to do on April Fool's Day instead of those big ones that are so obvious.

So it's been a while since I've updated. I'm still trying to get use to the fact that I have a blog, and it's common that my laziness gets the best of me. I actually have a few things I should've mention about a week ago.

I have a D in math (it's college level, leave me alone...) because I keep failing the quizzes and tests. It's to the point that I think my math teacher felt really bad that she gave me 40 points of extra credit to boost my grade up just a bit. Now I feel like I bought something with a credit card and I'm in debt with the math teacher. She said that I have to repay the 40 points of extra credit with either doing extra work or participate in class by answering questions and getting points that way. Is there a way to cancel my account so I don't have to repay the debt? Ha...

Speaking about debts, my senior fees are due Friday -_- but I have to settle a debt first with marching band. I owe $85 from a trip to Vero Beach that I apparently didn't pay. I paid that short, midget band director the $100 for the trip. How else would I have been able to go to Vero Beach then? Not only that, I can't find the check copy that says we paid. My mom and I checked with the bank but they found nothing. It took the lady a few days too so we found it pointless to go back and check another year since it was going to take another 3 or 4 days and my fees are due this Friday. So my mom has to pay the $85 and I have to pay my senior fees. I have to waste $90 on fees that only cover our cap & gowns, senior breakfast (which I might not even attend), and prom. No, that doesn't include paying off the prom ticket. The ticket is separate from the fees. So pretty much, they are stealing money from all the seniors. It's ridiculous that seniors have to pay $90 and some aren't even going to the breakfast. They expect us to pull $90 out of our asses when in reality, no one has that type of money due to the economy being so bad. I hate my school...I swear the prom tickets better be free because I still maintain a 3.5 GPA.

Now that I finished that rant, I think this has been a pretty good April Fool's Day. Well...other than my sunglasses breaking >_< I finally got the new album by An Cafe. It's the "An Cafe Harajuku Dance Rock CD/DVD" It's so awesome ^_^ The DVD contains 3 music videos: Summer Dive, My Heart Leaps For C, and AROMA. The videos are so clear and in a better quality than youtube~ I am a happy Cafekko right now o(・∀・)o

Haha, here comes another rant.'s not really a rant but more of questioning other people’s mentality. There's a contest Maru Music is doing called "How Nyappy Are You?" and out of all the videos I've watched I heard the same line:

"An Cafe's music saved my life"
"Before listening to An Cafe, I was going through depression"
"I'm a happier person ever since I've listened to An Cafe"

...Should I feel pity or just think this is ridiculous? I mean, I know An Cafe's music is really happy and positive, and I'm in a better mood when I listen to them but to the point it has saved my life? I'm not saying these people are stupid and to be honest, I've never really been through depression at the age of 16-18. It's just that other people would think this is asinine. Trust me, I even asked a few of my friends. One of them even said "What?! That's ridiculous! They are just saying that to get attention." First impression, I thought the same thing. This is why I'm not much of a people person...Oh yeah, I was making fun of one of the contestants because she said "An Cafe" and "Cafekko" really funny.

Let's see, what more did I have? ...The An Cafe concert is in 11 days~! I'm freakin' excited and I know I'm going to be even more excited when the countdown hits to one week. Sammy is at the point where she has too much energy that she can't sleep XD I find it weird that there is not much to say about the concert...I'll probably think of it later.

I've been listening to the GazettE lately. More than An Cafe o_O Shh, don't tell An Cafe I'm cheating on them with the GazettE. But seriously, their music is really good. The ambience of their music is dark (hard rock type) unlike An Cafe, who is known for being happy and often turning to a serious side. Not only that the GazettE are HOT! I never knew Japanese guys could look so attractive and this is the first band that I'm having trouble picking out who is my favorite. I can't even narrow it down...

Well I finally ran out of things to say...

I'm going to listen to my new CD now~

1 comment:

  1. Haha, yes~ You've finally updated!

    And it looks like you read my myspace post about not being able to sleep huh? XD
