Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I seriously hate being sick...

So last week I was starting to feel a little 'bleh' because I was sneezing and coughing a lot, and I kept waking up with what felt like a sore throat. That's how it was all last week. Saturday was different. I finally got a fever after having symptoms for the past five days. It was not fun...

Oh and recently, I got sick...again! I got sick last Saturday and now I'm sick again from Tuesday. Apparently, whatever I ate on Monday did not sit well with my stomach on Tuesday morning and I personally don't feel like going into details about it. I had to stay home on Tuesday and I pretty much slept that entire day. I didn't even go on the computer which is rare even when I'm sick. Not only did I have stomach pain, I didn't even want to eat anything. I swear I barely ate yesterday and I only ate school lunch today. I just want to stop getting sick...especially since April is getting close.

On a lighter note from mentioning April, the An Cafe concert is less than a month away~! Which is why I want to stop getting sick because I really want to go to California healthy and have fun at the concert. Also, Sammy can finally go after circling around with the decision. I'm so excited~! We can finally go to the concert together and see An Cafe right in front of us! This is the best graduation gift ever, and I'm definitely going to be taking a ton of photos. I really hope I'll be able to take decent pictures of An Cafe...and I really, really hope that Sam and I get the chance to meet them after the concert. The concert in Anaheim is going to be a memorable one for the Cafekkos there and An Cafe themselves because we're planning a lot of stuff to go down. Donald Ducks and doing the little dances! We'll make it feel like they are at home and that the Americans know them just as well.

Anyway, I'll probably talk more about the concert whenever I feel better. I need to go rest now.

1 comment:

  1. Now since your better, you must remain in good health or the concert!
