Friday, March 13, 2009

Last Minute?

Hi! This is my first time blogging...well actually first time having a blog account. And guess what? The first entry is a rant to relieve the tension I've been feeling at school. Seriously, you should read this.

I do not like anything that's at the last minute, and I know some people don't like it either because it's the most frustrating thing on Earth. This week was FCAT testing which if anyone would even like to know, it's the Florida state test that every student takes until their Junior year of high school. As a senior I could have skipped those three days but I used more than half my I couldn't risk the chance of probably going to court. Anyway, one of the administrators (I have no clue what she does...) called me up to her office on Thursday. I wasn't the only one in her office though, another friend of mine was in there and two other guys that I've seen before but never talked to. Apparently, this little meeting was about the Engineering Program. She wanted us to fill out papers and permission slips to go to Tropicana for a program called Career Shadowing. To make it simple and short, we go to Tropicana where recent college graduates work and ask them a bunch of questions about engineering.

She was explaining all the stuff in the little handbook that was given to us and she pretty much didn't give us the option if we really wanted to go or not. I need an option because sometimes there are things that I don't want to attend to. She kept pointing me out too which is embarrassing and really annoying. It went down like this:

Mrs. Roberts - "Is transportation going to be a problem Tatiana?" "Do you have the proper dress attire Tatiana?" "We're on page two Tatiana."

...Is it against the law to duck tape an administrator's mouth? She never pointed out the three other guys in the room, only me.

The Career Shadowing is March 17th and she gave us the paper work March 12th, and she also expected that we all turn it in by March 13th. Hmm...that's all last minute things which I could have easily done but I didn't feel like it. The real reason I'm not attending is because I have to provide my own transportation. My mother cannot take me to Tropicana at 7:30am or pick me up at 2:30pm and I don't drive because we only have one car. The other students that are going, I barely know them and I'm not going to ask them for a ride.

This administrator is basically forcing me to go to Tropicana and trust me, I told her I could not attend the trip. She had the look of wanting to blow up on me because I am not going. She said to me "You have to go. You are required to attend. They are expecting you to be there." Oh really? That's great and what? Did you really think that would make me feel guilty and somehow attend? I told her I can't go due to transportation but apparently that didn't go through her head. She insisted to call my mom and talk to her about it. That's fucking disrespectful. What will that change? All she's going to get is pure yelling from my mom saying that I can't go. She asked for my mom's cell number and mine. That's what seriously pissed me off the most. How can she have the audacity to do that when I told her myself that I can't freaking attend the stupid trip. She is trying to force me to go and give me no other option. Yeah, because I can pull my schedule out of my ass and make room for her last minute wishes. Sorry I am no pushover and if I can't go that means I can't go! And before she screws me over, I already emailed the guy that's arranging the trip that I am unable to attend.

I even told my mom that if she gets a call from the school, don't pick up. I love my mom because she doesn't pick up her phone to unknown numbers and she also said that if the administrator keeps bugging me about this, she will go down to her office and tell her to back off. My mom is the type that you don't want to mess because she has such a strong attitude especially if it involves her kids. But all in all, my mom told me to just calm down and don't let it bother me. If there is any more problems, she'll go and handle it. I told my American Sign Language teacher (because she's so cool) about this whole ordeal and she told me that what the administrator is doing is disrespectful, and that she cannot force me to do something I do not want to do. I am no longer interested in engineering as I use to be and I'm only in the class just to get a grade. Plus, Tropicana is Industrial Engineering! If I wanted to be interested in engineering, it would be in Architecture. Tropicana has nothing to do with Architecture and I am not interested in that field anymore.

So there's my rant on that...

I need sleep...

1 comment:

  1. Jeez. Don't you hate the admin. I think I've stopped trying to do stuff in office cause they're honestly stupid and have no idea what's going on. She should back off and shut it.

    But I'm happy that you got a blog <3
